The Ethanol Promotion and Information Council Annual Meeting is underway here in Omaha, NE. Last night we had a major lightning storm. After living through one in Kansas City the night before I’m wondering if I’m a lightning rod. I’m heading to Nashville tomorrow and keeping my fingers crossed.
To kick things off here EPIC Executive Director, Toni Nuernberg, welcomed members and introduced keynote speaker, Dr. Robert Zubrin, author of Energy Victory. His presentation is fascinating. I’ve got his book and now I’m planning to read it as soon as I can. You can hear an interview Cindy did with him on Domestic Fuel here.
This is the first large scale annual meeting of EPIC and well over 100 members are in attendance. The meeting allows them to hear first hand from staff and vendors about all the projects underway to help promote ethanol and educate the general public. Yesterday I conducted multiple presentations for members on the use of new media like blogs and podcasts.