- Monsanto expanded the potential commercial availability of its breakthrough Roundup Ready 2 Yield™ soybean technology by granting a global royalty-bearing license to Syngenta for use across its soybean seed brands. Monsanto now estimates a potential available acreage for the product of 45 million to 55 million acres in the U.S. Monsanto’s Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybeans will be introduced on 1 to 2 million acres for the 2009 season as part of a controlled commercial release, followed by a large-scale product launch of 5 to 6 million acres scheduled for 2010.
- The 9th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (ICPA) will be held July 20-23 at the Hyatt Tech Center in Denver, Colo. The ICPA conference will highlight significant research and applications in precision agriculture, and will showcase emerging technologies and information management. Complete details on the conference can be found here.
- The Soy Transportation Coalition (STC) has created an online calculator that allows producers to decide whether it is more profitable to sell their soybeans at the local elevator or take advantage of premium prices offered by an elevator located further away. Producers enter basic information about semi or truck bushel capacity, hourly labor cost, and fuel and maintenance cost per mile, and then enter the mileage, time and spot prices for two locations. American Soybean Association members can access the calculator here.