RFA Ethanol Podcast

Cattle Industry Summer Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Cattle Industry Summer ConferenceI just bought my plane ticket to Denver for the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. I just don’t think prices are going to improve. Got yours?

The cattle industry comes together twice a year to discuss current issues as a group, to work on programs and initiatives, and to set the course we should take with our various projects for the betterment of the beef cattle industry. The Cattle Industry Summer Conference features meetings of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion & Research Board, American National CattleWomen, Inc., Cattle-Fax and National Cattlemen’s Foundation.

Here cattle industry members will meet in both NCBA Policy committees and subcommittees and Joint committees and subcommittees to discuss current developments, to work on initiatives developed at Convention, and to make plans for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins October 1st. Issues Forums will be open to all registered attendees at the Summer Conference, and will include hot topics. Everyone is encouraged to participate. A CBB Meeting and NCBA Board of Directors Meeting will also be held.

Download the brochure here (pdf) or register here.

Ag Groups, Cattle Industry Conference