2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Peace Be With Lee McCoy and Family

Cindy Zimmerman

Lee McCoyOur friend and colleague Lee McCoy passed away early this morning in the arms of his sweet and courageous wife Aurora. She wrote us this morning to say that Lee “rode away on Chariots and White horses to meet the Morning Star.”

As many of you know, Lee has fought a tough battle with cancer for the past two years, defying all odds to be a survivor. He has participated in yearly cancer fundraising bike rides, raising over $6,000 last year for the BriarRose Grand Peloton cancer ride (see previous post).

We have known Lee for so many years that I don’t even know how long its been and he has always, always been a friend. He has worked for Southeast Agnet on and off for the past ten years or so and prior to that and in between he worked as a farm broadcaster in Texas. He is also a past NAFB regional vice president. SE Agnet president Gary Cooper posted a special farewell to Lee here on their blog.

We will all miss his humor, his special ties, his cowboy hat, and his great big heart. He was truly the “Real McCoy.” Ride on, my friend. Peace be with you and your family.
