- The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) recently elected 16 companies to membership in the international trade group, which provides business-development resources for companies which manufacture and market agriculture and construction-related equipment, products and services.
- Helping equipment marketers most effectively reach buyers of the future is the goal of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) 2008 marketing seminar. The event will be held May 18-20, 2008 at the Hilton Portland and Executive Tower in Portland, Oregon. Complete seminar information and registration details are posted online in the “education” section of the AEM Web site.
- Tip of the week: A pedicure is key to good health – with your horses. Trimming and shoeing your horses’ hooves on a regular basis will ward off diseases like thrush and founder. A vet should also examine your animals, including their feet, once a year.
- The American Agri-Women (AAW) met with Provider Pals founder Bruce Vincent, and made plans to work with him to help promote the Provider Pals Web site for children, a game called Provider World. This site provides children a safe environment in which to explore farming and other natural resource-based occupations, through exciting games and activities.