RFA Ethanol Podcast

Are You An Ag Journalist of the Future?

Chuck Zimmerman

AAEA ByLineI’ve got to say “Thank You” to AAEA President John Walter, Successful Farming, for his latest column in the organization’s newsletter (pdf), The Byline. John told me he was writing this and we did have a phone/email interview to go with it. Here’s how he starts out.

The first time I met him was at the 2005 Agricultural Media Summit in Milwaukee, and to tell you the truth, I found the experience to be a bit unnerving. He was running circles around the rest of us, shooting photos and video, conducting audio interviews in the corner of every room, dashing off to the media room to file Web reports multiple times
daily, and generally practicing our profession at a pace I’d seldom seen before. Ag journalism on steroids.

At that time most of us had not even heard of the inelegant word, “blog,” and he had already coined the term, “agriblogging.”

Read the full column to find out who’s he’s talking about.

I think the take away is that things are sure changing in the profession of agricultural communications. That’s why I think it’s so important to participate in the professional improvement opportunities offered by organizations like AAEA, LPC, IFAJ, NAFB, NAMA and others. I wouldn’t stop there. I highly recommend other communications activities like those offered by the National Press Photographers Association and shows like MacWorld Expo, New Media Expo, etc. Sometimes we get so caught up going to all the farm shows and events that we neglect our own professional development. And don’t forget reading up on these subjects. You’ll also be amazed at how much there is available online that’s free, including how-to’s on YouTube!

The best way to learn how to use some of these new tools is to jump in and just do it. Start a blog and a podcast. Create a Flickr photo album or YouTube account and upload some of your materials. Share and be shared with!

I’m just starting the chapter in Clay Shirky’s new book, “Here Comes Everybody” that’s titled, “Everyone is a Media Outlet.” Mull that thought over. These new media tools allow everyone to be part of the online conversation that’s changing our world.