Podcast Training by University of Florida Ag School

Chuck Zimmerman

Wedgworth Leadership InstituteCindy found some great pictures from the current class going through the Wedgworth Leadership Institute. I assume they were learning to use their iPods for creating and subscribing to podcasts like the ZimmCast during the media training portion of the program. The name of the program changed after a generous donation in honor of the memory of Mr. George Wedgworth.

The program’s name was changed to the Wedgworth Leadership Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources (WLIANR) in 2003. The program is sponsored by the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) at the University of Florida and has an academic home in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. The program has an advisory council made up of alumni, industry officials and university personnel, who assist the director and program staff in keeping the program relevant and advise in program structure and content.

Personnel of the WLIANR include:

Dr. Hannah S. Carter, program director
Dr. Ed Osborne, executive director
Ms. Janice Barner, executive secretary
Ms. Rochelle Strickland, program coordinator

Florida is Cindy’s and my alma mater.

Podcasts, University