2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Agriblogging With AAEA

Chuck Zimmerman

Me Doing WebinarHello from ZimmComm World Headquarters in Holts Summit, MO. Right now I’m conducting a webinar along with John Phipps, John’s World, for the American Agricultural Editors Association.

Thanks to Linda Smith, Top Producer, for putting these professional development webinars together. This is just one in a series that the organization is conducting this year.

We’re talking about blogging and how blogs can benefit a publication. We’re also going over some of the ins and outs of feeding the blog monster.

If you didn’t get to participate you may still be able to if the webinar is recorded. I’ll update this post with more information if that’s the case.

In any event, I really enjoy having the opportunity to pass along a little of what I’ve learned from several years of agriblogging and I’m looking forward to hearing John’s thoughts.