2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

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Melissa Sandfort

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  • Land O’Lakes Purina Feed announces the official launch of AMPLI-Calf™ Technology, a revolutionary new calf starter technology now available in selected Land O’Lakes Purina Feed calf starters. AMPLI-Calf™ Technology is a blend of unique, proprietary ingredients proven to increase feed intake, weight gain and overall height of young dairy calves. In recent Land O’Lakes Purina Feed research studies, calves fed starter with the new technology consumed 26 pounds (11 percent) more calf starter, gained 17 pounds (14 percent) more weight, and also grew 1.2 inches (3 percent) taller than calves fed a starter without the new technology.
  • The farm section of the Wisconsin Public Service utility’s Web site features online calculators that estimate the potential savings in energy and money by using four energy efficient technologies. Farmers can do calculations on variable speed drives for vacuum pumps, in-line milk coolers, engine block heater timers or energy-efficient fans. Farmers can find the online energy calculators by clicking the “For Farms” banner at the top of the page, and then clicking “Energy-Saving Tools & Ideas”.
  • Truffle Media Networks was featured on FFA Today! which aired on the RFD-TV network, Thursday, Feb. 28 at 4:00 p.m. EST. During the On the Job segment, Truffle Media Networks was showcased as the leading digital media company in agriculture.
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