2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

    Zimfo Bytes

  • The World Food Prize Foundation on Friday accepted a $5 million contribution from Monsanto Company to ensure the continuation of the annual World Food Prize International Symposium – now known as the “Borlaug Dialogue.” The funds support a renewed fundraising campaign to transform the historic Des Moines Public Library building into a public museum to honor Dr. Norman Borlaug and the work of the World Food Prize Laureates. With the $5 million commitment from Monsanto, the World Food Prize has now secured $19.3 million of the total $29.8 million needed to complete the project. The Norman Borlaug Hall of Laureates is scheduled to be completed in 2010.
  • The Propane Education & Research Council developed a new training manual – Dispensing Propane Safely into Agricultural Equipment – designed to train farmers on the proper procedures for refilling certain mobile agricultural equipment fueled by propane. Copies can be purchased now through the Propane Industry Catalog (#003700) by calling (866) 905-1075 or visiting the Web site. The manual will also be translated into Spanish.
  • Dosatron’s New Seal Kits are now available. Each kit comes with a complete check valve assembly. The New Seal Kits are easier to install, with a one-step check valve change, and are a great value. Join the Preventive Maintenance Program by visiting the Web site.
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