- FCS Financial’s Board of Directors announced that they will return $3.7 million to their member-owners in cash patronage for the 2007 calendar year. Patronage payments will be based on a member’s loan business activity with the association. All eligible members will receive a minimum of $20. Each eligible member’s patronage check will be available at his or her local FCS Financial office beginning Feb. 25. Each branch office will host a Customer Appreciation Day from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Feb. 25 to distribute patronage checks. Those checks not picked up or delivered by the end of business on March 10 will be mailed to the respective members. For more information, contact a local FCS Financial office at 1-800-444-3276 or click here to find a link to the 2007 Patronage Program under Information.
- The Hoyt Report is the new go-to report for hay growers in the West. This weekly report offers readers insights and analysis on the western hay market. The Hoyt Report is authored by Seth Hoyt of Ione, Calif. Hoyt has over 35 years of agricultural marketing experience, plus hands on cattle and hay marketing experience. Hoyt recently retired from his position as a Senior Agricultural Economist with the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service in Sacramento, Calif. Interested subscribers can contact The Hoyt Report at (209) 274-9945 or E-mail aginfo@thehoytreport.com. A sample report can be found here. Subscriptions will be $119 for 47 weeks of report or $230 for two years.
- Comcast Cable Communications LLC and RFD-TV LLC announced a multi-year affiliation and distribution agreement which set forth the terms and conditions for carriage of RFD-TV and RFD HD on Comcast systems nationwide. RFD-TV has been on a year-long campaign to add high-profile, proven favorites to its popular lineup of productions with a unique rural-lifestyle flavor.