- PureSense, recently named a Top 10 New Product by World Ag Expo, has unveiled an upgrade to its Irrigation Manager software. The upgraded Irrigation Manager software takes a cost-saving and money-making product one step further by making the system even easier to use with more powerful analysis in the background. Improvements include access to information simply by dragging the pointer over an icon; easier-to-read trend charts so growers can assess changing conditions quickly and respond more rapidly; and giving different users within one farming operation the ability to tailor the information to fit their personal work style. The PureSense system will be on display in the New Product Pavilion and Pavilion B, in the water and irrigation exhibit area, at World Ag Expo, Feb. 12-14, in Tulare.
- On June 25 & 26, the 2008 Farm Progress Hay Expo will present the nation’s largest two-day hay event near Ossian, Iowa, on the Knutson and Winkler farms. The Winklers farm 240 acres, milk 60 registered Holsteins and maintain a small beef herd. The Knutsons milk 220 cows, farm 1,400 acres of row crops and feed 500 calves. The Knutsons also operate a custom forage harvesting business, harvesting around 5,000 acres in northeast Iowa each year. 2008 Farm Progress Hay Expo, its 22nd annual show, will be held June 25 and 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free; parking is $7 per vehicle. Click here for more information.
- Exhibitor reservations for the 17th annual Citrus Expo Aug. 20 & 21, 2008 at Lee Civic Center Ft. Myers are well ahead of schedule. More than half of the available exhibit spaces have been reserved months earlier than at anytime in history. Last year’s trade show sold out with more than 150 exhibitors, hosting more than 2,200 attendees for the two day event. The 2008 Citrus Expo is expected to host the largest grower attendance ever. A large portion of Expo proceeds are donated annually to support citrus research at University of Florida’s Citrus Research and Education Center and regional grower association programs.