2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

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Melissa Sandfort

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  • The Organic Trade Association (OTA) reiterated that meat, milk and other products produced from cloned animals will not be able to be sold as organic in the United States. OTA issued the reassurance after the FDA announced its conclusion that foods from cloned animals and their offspring are as safe as those produced from traditionally bred animals. FDA posted a risk assessment report, risk management plan and guidance for industry to outline its regulatory approach on animal cloning.
  • The Watershed Land Trust is pleased to announce the addition of former Division of Water Resources Chief Engineer David Pope to its Board of Directors. Pope comes to the position with a long history of involvement in water and natural resources related experience. Pope holds BS and MS degrees in Agricultural Engineering from Oklahoma State University, where he specialized in irrigation and water resources engineering. He is a registered professional engineer.
  • Bob Stallman was re-elected president of the American Farm Bureau Federation and Barry Bushue, a nursery and berry producer from Oregon, was elected AFBF vice president at the 89th American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting. Stallman, a cattle and rice producer from Columbus, Texas, was elected to a fifth two-year term as president. Bushue, from Boring, Ore., was elected vice president to succeed Steve Appel, a wheat and barley producer from Dusty, Wash., who retired. Click here for a full list of appointees.
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