RFA Ethanol Podcast

Zimfo Bites

Melissa Sandfort

  • Pioneer Hi-Bred is adding 23 new soybean varieties to its lineup for 2008. These new Pioneer® brand soybean varieties offer growers protection against yield-robbing pests such as soybean cyst nematode (SCN), sudden death syndrome (SDS), Phytophthora root rot and brown stem rot (BSR). Twenty-one of the new Pioneer soybean varieties contain the Roundup Ready® (RR) gene and offer impressive performance and yield protection.
  • DuPont has received three prestigious Agrow Awards in recognition of its innovative and industry-leading agricultural product pipeline and technologies. The awards were presented to DuPont’s Crop Protection and Pioneer Hi-Bred businesses at the inaugural 2007 Agrow Awards ceremony in Glasgow, Scotland, on Oct. 16. DuPont Agriculture Nutrition was recognized for the following: Best R Pipeline, Best Novel Agricultural Biotechnology and Most Innovative Chemistry.
  • StollerUSA announced the results of ongoing commercial field trials indicating that HOLD™, a co-pack of ReZist™ and Calcium 5S™, can significantly increase nut retention and yield. In undesirable almond field conditions, the flower to final nut set can be as low as 30 percent. Robert Liptrap of Crop Synergy, an independent researcher and nut grower, says HOLD combats this phenomenon by balancing the levels of growth hormones and countering the effects of growth-inhibiting hormone levels in the flower and post-bloom periods.
  • Deadlines for early registration, poster abstract submission, and hotel reservations are quickly approaching for the 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium. The 2007 National Soybean Rust Symposium will be held Dec. 12-14, 2007 at the Marriott Louisville Downtown Hotel in Louisville, Ky. The early registration deadline is Oct. 22, 2007 (save $60 on registration fees). Hotel reservations must be made by Nov. 13, 2007 in order to guarantee the low meeting rate of $99 per night.
    Zimfo Bytes