RFA Ethanol Podcast

Zimfo Bites

Melissa Sandfort

  • Beck’s Hybrids, a leading corn seed company in Indiana, is teaming up with Bayer CropScience to offer growers an opportunity to earn up to $6.25 back per acre when they apply Liberty® herbicide to their Beck’s stand alone LibertyLink™ hybrids and Herculex® hybrids through the Liberty Greenback Offer. The Liberty/LibertyLink system is the only non-selective alternative to the Roundup Ready® system and offers growers similar convenience, ease and cost effectiveness. More program details are available here.
  • LibertyLink® soybeans are a step closer to reaching commercialization now that the European Food Safety Authority has issued a positive safety opinion on LibertyLink soybean. LibertyLink soybeans will bring important benefits to soybean farmers in the United States and Canada by providing an effective alternative to the Roundup Ready® system widely used today. The LibertyLink trait in soybeans will deliver similar benefits to that system -– less tillage, labor, and equipment usage, and the ease and convenience of non-selective, post-emergent weed control -– with the added advantage of being a highly effective tool in the management of glyphosate resistant weeds, an increasing problem in U.S. soybean production areas. Bayer CropScience is currently collaborating with leading soybean breeding companies to develop well-adapted and high-yielding LibertyLink soybean varieties.
  • Potato growers have a new, easy-to-use tool to control wireworms and protect yields with the recent federal registration of Regent® insecticide (active ingredient fipronil) from BASF for use in potatoes. “Wireworms are one of the worst soil pests for potato growers,” said Richard Warriner, BASF Product Manager. “Regent helps protect seedpieces and tubers from wireworm damage, preserving yields and quality, and provides growers with the potential for high returns on their investment.” Regent can be put out in-furrow at planting in a dust-free liquid formulation that eliminates the need for special equipment and offers growers the conveniences of a low-use rate and less time spent handling and refilling.
  • Novus International, Inc. is proud to announce the appointment of Wendell Knehans as Director, Feed Quality. Knehans will lead the Feed Quality Unit within marketing which includes responsibility for yeasts, mycotoxin binders, enzymes, and antioxidants as well as continued development in the area of DDGS. Knehans joins Novus from the American Soybean Association (ASA) where he served as Executive Director, Member & Industry Relations. Knehans has spent 22 years in crop input businesses between Monsanto, United Agricultural Products, and Corn States Hybrid Service and in 2001, was named NAMA Marketer of the Year.
  • Dow AgroSciences LLC has been named a winner of the United Nation’s Montreal Protocol Innovators Award at the annual Meeting of the Montreal Protocol, an international agreement designed to protect the earth’s ozone layer. Dow AgroSciences was also named a winner of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “Best of the Best” Ozone Protection Award, which honors an elite group of companies, organizations and individuals who have demonstrated long-term excellence in efforts to protect the stratospheric ozone layer. Both awards honor the company’s long-standing commitment to providing critical alternatives to methyl bromide, an ozone-depleting substance used for preplant, postharvest and structural fumigation uses.
  • Elanco Animal Health has announced the hiring of Dr. Bill Mies as a beef feedlot consultant — global beef group. In this role he will work with Elanco’s marketing-and-sales teams, providing technical support to feedlots in North America and other locations throughout the world. Mies will work from his home office in College Station, Texas. Most recently, Mies worked in integrated beef production and animal-data management after having taught livestock marketing and feedyard management at Texas A&M University in College Station.
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