Things are kind of quiet here today at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference since it’s committee meeting after committee meeting. They’re working but that makes it a little challenging to get to talk to and do interviews. However I caught John Dudley before his committee got started.
He’s chairman of the Joint Advertising Committee. Their meeting is combined with the Nutrition & Health Committee. The reason for that is that new creative ideas for next year’s advertising will be unveiled. John says the new advertising will combine the two messages of previous campaigns that focused on enjoyment and nutrition.
He says he’s going to solicit the opinion of all the members of both committees even though they’ve only got about 3 hours to get the job done. He says the advertising campaign will be very different from past campaigns but didn’t elaborate further. I’m sure we’ll see some more information coming out after the conference here. He did say that the campaign will only be utilizing print and radio since there’s just not enough budget to include television.
Listen to my interview with John here (4 min.): cisc-07-dudley.mp3
By the way, John’s a member of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. He says that they’re real happy to have Eldon White on board who’s their new CEO (formerly executive director of NAMA). I’ve seen Eldon here and he was smiling so I guess he’s doing fine with his new gig.