Turkish Prime Minister Recieves FAO’s Highest Honor

Laura McNamara

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United StatesThe Agricola Medal is the highest award the Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unites States offers. FAO bestowed its latest Agricola Medal on Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The organization says the award is meant to recognize Erdogan’s contribution to agriculture and social development in Turkey.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan recieves FAO's Agricola Award“Please accept this Agricola Medal as a token of FAO’s and my personal esteem and respect for all your admirable efforts on behalf of your country’s agriculture and food security,” Dr Diouf told the Premier.

Major reform programme

Under Prime Minister Erdogan, Turkey has launched a major Agricultural Reform Project which aims to provide direct incentives to farmers to significantly increase production and exports and raise rural incomes and food security.

Dr Diouf noted that Turkey is one of the few emerging countries directly participating in food aid operations, to which it has donated millions of dollars through the World Food Programme over the past few years.
