2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

From Farm Broadcasting to Show Announcing

Chuck Zimmerman

Denny OviattWith his voice I wonder how farm broadcasting lost a guy like Denny Oviatt. Denny used to be a farm broadcaster in South Dakota before getting into show announcing. After listening to him for several days he’s sure good at what he does.

Denny is one of the ring announcers here at the National Appaloosa Horse Show. I spoke with him after his shift today.

One of the things he says is very important and challenging is pronouncing people’s names correctly. Having done some announcing myself I can sure echo that. In my interview he tells a few anecdotes from his time announcing horse races. He also says that there is opportunity for people who are interested in announcing as a career. I would recommend they look Denny up and I’m sure he can point them in the right direction to get started.

Learn a little bit about ring announcing from Denny in my interview with him here: appaloosa-national-07-oviatt.mp3

2007 National Appaloosa Horse Show Photo Album

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