2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Irrigating With Propane in Nebraska

Chuck Zimmerman

Michelle SwertzicOne of the leaders in the propane industry is Michelle Swertzic. She is the executive director of the Nebraska Propane Gas Association and sits on the agricultural advisory committee of the Propane Education & Research Council.

A PERC project that she’s really excited about involves irrigation and a study that’s taking place in the field this year with the University of Nebraska. After doing lab testing with motors running on propane they’ve taken to the field and hope to have end of season results to show the benefits of using propane to power irrigation systems. At that point she says PERC assistance with the project will move from research to promotion to make sure the study results make it to farmers who need to know.

I interviewed Michelle about this project and others that she has a special interest in. You can listen to my interview with Michelle here: propane-days-07-swertzic.mp3

Audio, Propane