RFA Ethanol Podcast

It’s Fan Fair in Full Force

Chuck Zimmerman

CMA Music Festival Street SceneThe heat is on here in Nashville at the CMA Music Festival. This is a street scene downtown at about 2nd Ave. and Broadway. Packed with people.

I did a little walk around after spending some time at the New Holland booth which is set up in the Sports Zone. Besides the heat today we had a lot of wind which makes it a little difficult to have much in the way of paperwork at your booth tables.

Cop Writing Ticket on Cop CarOne of the more unique sights here took place yesterday at the end of the parade. Have you ever seen one cop writing a ticket on another cop car?

That’s what we came across. There was a whole line of parked police cars and this guy was writing tickets on all of them. We even asked him if that’s what he was really doing. He said he was. Now that’s some good tax dollars at work. Just think about it a minute.

CMA Music Festival Photo Album

New Holland