The Golden Plow Goes to Saxby Chambliss

Chuck Zimmerman

AFBF Golden Plow AwardAny award with a name like the Golden Plow deserves a post on AgWired. This is an American Farm Bureau Federation legislator award.

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, was honored today for his unwavering commitment to U.S. farmers and ranchers. American Farm Bureau Federation board member and Georgia Farm Bureau President Zippy Duvall presented Chambliss the “Golden Plow” award for his distinguished agricultural leadership and support of Farm Bureau’s farm and ranch families.

“Senator Chambliss has a stellar record when it comes to supporting American agriculture,” said Duvall. “While he has always been a strong advocate on behalf of Georgia farmers, many of the programs and legislative initiatives carried out by Sen. Chambliss are equally relevant to all American farm and ranch families.”

The AFBF “Golden Plow” award recognizes members of Congress – regardless of party affiliation – for their distinguished agricultural leadership and support of Farm Bureau policies.

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