2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Live Earth Concert

Chuck Zimmerman

Live EarthI really don’t think you need to have a “crisis” or even a cause as an excuse to hold a bunch of concerts do you? I just noticed an announcement about Live Earth. It’s supposed to be 7 concerts on one day on 7 continents. I’m betting there will even be some good music in all this.

I don’t know about you but this whole man-made global climate thing seems almost like a religion to the people who have either bought into it or are just using it as their latest platform to gain attention. Take Mr. Gore for example.

“We hope the energy created by Live Earth will jump start a massive public education effort,” Live Earth Co-Chair Vice President Al Gore said. “Live Earth will help us reach a tipping point that’s needed to move corporations and governments to take decisive action to solve the climate crisis.”

For people like him we’ll never do enough I guess. These crisis promoters don’t even want to acknowledge all the great work that’s being done, especially in the biofuels or bioproducts business for example. Good news doesn’t get you noticed in today’s out of control media.

I do like his use of the very popular “tipping point” term though. Nice, Al. Now how about getting back to reality and help out the people and companies that are actually doing the work you want to cry about.
