RFA Ethanol Podcast

20 Years of Colossal Pork BBQ

Chuck Zimmerman

Great Pork BarbeqlossalThere’s been a lot of years of BBQ pork goodness at World Pork Expo. This year the Great Pork BarbeQlossal will celebrate a milestone.

The Pork Checkoff’s 20th annual Great Pork BarbeQlossal contest is the Saturday of World Pork Expo, which runs June 7-9 in Des Moines, Iowa. This annual contest highlights barbeque techniques from across America.

“More than 90 teams are expected to compete in this year’s Great Pork BarbeQlossal contest,” said Jay Foushee, a pork producer from Roxboro, N.C. “To celebrate 20 years, we are going to recognize all the past BarbeQlossal winners and invite them back to compete again. We have yet to have a repeat winner.”

Due to popular demand, the Big Green Egg scramble competition is back. On Friday evening, six selected teams will be provided with a mystery basket that includes a mystery pork cut. The teams will grill on a Big Green Egg grill and compete for the grand prize of a Big Green Egg grill.

For the Checkoff’s Great Pork BarbeQlossal contest, teams will highlight grilling and barbeque techniques in at least one of the four cooking categories: Whole hog; shoulder; loin/loin end and ribs. In order to earn grand champion honors and a share of the $37,000 in cash and prizes, contestants must cook a shoulder, loin/loin end, ribs and an entire hog with a dressed weight of 45 pounds or more cooked while in one piece or in two halves.

Ag Groups, Pork