Agriblogging Away

Chuck Zimmerman

Just two years ago when I mentioned blogs to people in agrimarketing I got blank looks or an amazing amount of skeptical comments. Since then our business has flourished and we’re seeing more and more adoption of new media channels in agricultural communications. I’ll be speaking on the subject at an ag journalism class in Columbia, MO on Tuesday. Colleges are realizing that their students need to know more about these mechanisms if they’re going to be prepared properly for the real world when they graduate. Companies of all kinds are also starting to get it.

I’ve been doing a little bit of office catch up this past week and realizing how far we’ve come already. For example, here’s a list of websites we’ve built for clients and in some cases continue to manage:

I think we may need to get beyond the fact that these are blogs and just consider them websites that can be updated easily and frequently, are highly search engine optimized, can be subscribed to and provide a direct channel of communication to customers who are searching for information and probably the thought leaders in their business.
