2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech Symposium on Food, Feed or Fuel

Chuck Zimmerman

Alltech 2007 SymposiumIf you don’t have an invitation to the Alltech 23rd International Feed Industry Symposium, May 20-23, 2007 in Lexington, KY, then you need to contact your local Alltech representative. I’ll be there along with the whole International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) executive committee.

In fact, besides covering the event here on AgWired I’ll be conducting a blogging/podcasting workshop for the IFAJ. This is going to be fun. I hope they all speak at least some English.

The theme of this year’s Symposium is “The New Energy Crisis: Food, Feed or Fuel?” It’s a subject on everyone’s mind.

The shift in corn use toward fuel ethanol has wide-ranging implications for the animal feed industry in terms of feed costs, availability, and ration formulation. It also raises the crucial question of whether ethanol production might place an important human food source out of reach of the world’s population, particularly the poor.

As such, a special goal of this year’s Symposium is to look at how practices, products, and programs will ultimately affect how we utilize feed energy as well as protein ingredient resources.

Agribusiness, IFAJ