2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Rhea & Kaiser Reaps Some NAMA Joy

Chuck Zimmerman

Rhea & KaiserIt’s Rhea & Kaiser’s turn to brag about their NAMA regional awards. It looks like they made out very well with 14 first place honors.

In the Chicago regional competition, Rhea & Kaiser secured two Best of Show and eight first place awards in advertising, public relations and specialty categories. In Raleigh, Rhea & Kaiser was presented a Best of Show and five first place awards in advertising and public relations categories. Additionally, Rhea & Kaiser received a first place nod in the West Coast region for a Bayer CropScience advertising campaign. “We applaud the work of our teams, whose collective talents make it possible for Rhea & Kaiser to continue to excel in the agri-marketing communications industry,” said Van Kaiser, executive vice president and creative director.

Rhea & Kaiser achieved Best of Show in Chicago for two Pfizer Animal Health campaigns – “The Power of One: EXCEDE Launch Meeting” in the public relations events category and “REVOLUTION Kitty Commitment” in the advertising specialty categories. The agency won Best of Show in Raleigh for collateral work on the Bayer CropScience “SCALA Wine Brochure.”

Agencies, NAMA