RFA Ethanol Podcast

Emetrics Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

Emetrics SummitAfter having just written about the whole website statistics thing a couple days ago, I came across a notice about the Emetrics Summit coming up in San Fransisco in May. I just thought I’d pass it along in case you want to find out more about this issue. I view the analysis of website statistics to be an art form and science all wrapped up in one. I’ve had the opportunity to manage a number of websites including ones that have had over a $million invested in them and I never cease to be amazed about how little understood this topic is, especially the people making the buying decision.

I like a couple of lines on the website for this conference:

You cannot manage what you do not measure
Not everything that can be counted counts
Strategies without metrics are only wishes
Do not use statistics as a drunkard uses a lamp post – for support rather than illumination

I quite agree.
