RFA Ethanol Podcast

Honoring Monte Reese

Chuck Zimmerman

Monte Plaque PresentationAt the joint business meetings this morning, retiring Beef Board COO, Monte Reese was presented with a plaque in appreciation for his service to the organization.

Presenting the award are Ken Stielow, new chairman of the Beef Board and Vice chairman, David Bateman and immediate past chairman, Jay O’Brien.

I’m sure Monte will be receiving some more awards. In fact, later in the meeting NCBA presented him with a recognition plaque as well.

I have known Monte since he started in this position and will offer my personal thought that he’s been one of the most enjoyable people I’ve ever worked with in the industry. I don’t know of anyone who has been more passionate about the industry and who can more clearly discuss the Checkoff and its activities. I’ll miss him and I’m sure I’m not alone saying that. Good luck Monte and I hope to see you many more times in the future.

Ag Groups, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference