2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Beef Board Chairman Interview

Chuck Zimmerman

Jay O'BrienJay O’Brien is the chairman of the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and one of his duties today was speaking at the new appointees orientation lunch.

Jay started off talking about the need to look professional and that means wearing a nice bow tie. So he showed everyone how easy it is to quickly tie your tie.

Before the lunch got started I had a chance to interview Jay. Jay talks about some of the key things that producers should know. For example, he talks about end of last year USDA producer survey and how closely the results matched the producer survey results that was conducted by the Beef Board of a smaller sample size. He also talks about the retirement of Monte Reese and the process the Board will go through to find a replacement.

Listen to my interview with Jay:

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference