2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Iraq Wheat Harvest

Chuck Zimmerman

Iraq Wheat HarvestHere’s a timely report from Paul McKellips, Global Outreach Officer, US Embassy Baghdad, The Green Room – Public Affairs GO Team. It’s almost time for Commodity Classic which will include wheat this year so finding out what’s going on with wheat production in Iraq is nice to know. It looks like seed cleaners are making all the difference in the world.

The southern Iraqi Province of Wassit shipped more than 110,000 tons of wheat and 90,000 tons of barley to state silos this past harvest. This is a record yield for the province and four times higher than the 2005-crop season’s 48,000 tons combined. Countrywide, Iraq produced 1.2 million tons of wheat and 144,000 tons of barley. The record harvest can be attributed to American help and improved technology.

Full Report (Word doc)

Listen to his report:

Audio, International, Wheat