send news release today

German Minister of Agriculture

Chuck Zimmerman

Green Week Press ConferenceThe biggest press conference of the day is taking place right now in the ICC center next to the press rooms. Just finishing up is Germany’s Federal Minister of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture, Horst Seehofer. He’s seated second from the left.

There are hundreds of media representatives here. It’s the most I’ve ever seen for an agricultural related event. The Minister spoke in German but we have translators and I listened in for a few minutes before heading to the computer room to get online. The first questions asked of him had to do with animal welfare which seems to be a big topic here in Europe.

I’m uploading all my photos to an online Flickr photo album for you too. You can find it using this link: IFAJ Meeting- Berlin – International Green Week. I’ll keep adding to it each day.

Farm Shows, IFAJ, International