Are Pigs in Pain?

Chuck Zimmerman

Before heading out to the Missouri Cattle Industry Convention I thought you might want to know that piggies in Belgium are in pain. Actually an animal rights group has created a PR campaign to create awareness. This is why you need to think about how to get involved in the online conversation folks. This campaign has: a website, a blog …

International, Pork

It’s Now a New Media Expo

Chuck Zimmerman

Podcast & New Media ExpoI haven’t been able to attend either of the first two Expos but maybe the third time will be a charm next year. It used to be called the Podcast & Portable Media Expo. I’m pretty psyched that they’ve changed the name to Podcast & New Media Expo.

If you really want to learn about this whole new media thing we’ve been trying to help you understand you can either: 1. Set up a personal ZimmComm New Media consultation or 2. Attend the Podcast & New Media Expo.


Reach For a Green Star

Chuck Zimmerman

John Deere at NAFBAt the NAFB convention recently I spent some time in the John Deere booth. Pictured here are Seth Crawford (l), Leigh Ann Cleaver (BCS Communications) and Barry Nelson (r).

I interviewed Seth about John Deere’s new “Reach For The Stars” program they announced in conjunction with the American Soybean Association. This program is designed to provide U.S. soybean growers with opportunities to learn more about precision ag systems. It also has a contest portion in which selected growers will be able to choose from among “15 premium level precision ag systems, each with a suggested retail price of more than $20,000, for the entire 2007 U.S. growing season. After the program ends, qualified participants will be offered an opportunity to purchase the entire system, or just the components they want to own, at a greatly reduced price.”

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, Tractor

Talk to my iPod

Chuck Zimmerman

iTalk ProYou don’t have to be a farm podcaster to appreciate what the Griffin iTalk Pro lets you do with your Nano or iPod. Finally there’s a tool that lets you easily record onto the iPod.

It has built in microphones or you can plug in an external microphone. This allows you to also plug into a mult-box at a press conference too.


The AgSpeakerers

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast96 - The AgSpeakersAs I promised last week I’ve got an interview with Steve Hawkins, President of AgSpeak. This new company has been formed as the “first online agricultural market research cooperative.” They plan to attract farmer members who will agree to participate in online surveys and receive a portion of the profits at the end of the year.

Steve says that having farmers fill out surveys online saves them a lot of time and makes the survey process much quicker. They’re seeking farmer members and companies that want to have market research done. The company is based in Des Moines because that’s where other partners in the business are located. They all are involved with The Context Network.

Audio, Research, ZimmCast