Free Range Rabbits?

Chuck Zimmerman

Diary of a Small FarmerI have not read the book, just the release. But because the author is from Ocala, FL, I thought I’d post this. We moved to Missouri from Ocala back in late 1991.

Susan G. Mehaffey presents agricultural methods that could create more jobs and produce more food than conventional methods in her new book, “Diary of a Small Farmer” (now available through AuthorHouse). Mehaffey’s book is a summarized journal on her methods and experiences with animal husbandry, free-range rabbitry and force-fed organics. She describes “Diary of a Small Farmer” as a “how-to book with innovative, backyard agricultural engineering and research that sparked worldwide business ideas that may shape the future.”

I’m not sure about “free range rabbits.” I remember raising a few as a kid and thinking that when I got them fattened up they’d make a nice meal sometime but then one of my cousins came over when I was gone and let’s just say they didn’t survive his attention. That was the end of my rabbit raising.
