You can still obtain copies of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists DVD. It commemorates 50 years of the organization. We celebrated that birthday in Norway earlier this year. Thanks to IFAJ Treasurer Marcus Rediger for the reminder.
I know they’re free to members but maybe if you ask them nicely they’ll let you have a copy even if you’re not. It’s all about trying to help create awareness and interest in this great organization. I’ve got a copy and think it’s very well done.
The IFAJ has launched a special DVD to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Material for the DVD was gathered during the 2005 congress in Switzerland and provided by member countries. It features national delegates and agricultural journalists talking about globalisation and important issues from their viewpoint. “All stress the meaning of a world-wide network for the exchange of information, opinions and questions,” said producer and IFAJ treasurer Markus Rediger. He hopes the DVD will help promote the IFAJ and share its vision as an organisation striving towards a more professional approach.