RFA Ethanol Podcast

Get Maryland’s Best

Chuck Zimmerman

Maryland's BestMaryland’s Best program has a new website. It’s got sections for the consumer and the wholesale buyer.

In the consumer section it says:

The BEST is no longer yet to come in Maryland. With MARYLAND’S BEST, its here.

Like most people, you want to eat food products that are the freshest, tastiest, and most nutritious for you and your family. You want to purchase plants, flowers, and trees that are as healthy as they are attractive. Above all, you want to know that every agricultural product you buy was grown or processed using methods that preserve and protect the environment—not only for today, but also for generations tomorrow.


I don’t think I’ve seen the site before. I did a little looking around on it and like a lot of websites it really needs some updating. However, it looks nice and the search functions are what really make it valuable.
