If you’re planning on attending the NAMA Agribusiness Forum in Kansas City, MO next week you might want to come a little early and go to the local chapter’s meeting.
MoKan NAMA welcomes you to Kansas City. Join us for our monthly meeting before the Agribusiness Forum. The Union Station Café is connected to the hotel through the Crown Center sky link.
When: Tuesday, November 14
Where: Union Station Café, Upper tier
When: Registration 11-11:30, Buffet Lunch 11–12, Speaker 12-1
Bill Horan, a producer from Iowa and Board member for Truth about Trade and Technology, will speak to us about biotechnology, and in particular, crops engineered to produce pharmaceutical and industrial compounds. RSVP to Melanie Acklin at acklinm@osborn-barr.com by November 10th.
Cost is $15 NAMA Members and $30 non-Members. First time guests are FREE.