2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Think Small

Chuck Zimmerman

Next year’s NAMA Conference theme may be “Think Big” but starting tomorrow you can think “small” as in the 14th National Small Farm Trade Show & Conference.

It’s going to be held at the Boone County Fairgrounds in Columbia, MO. They have heated buildings in case you’re worried about that.

Some of the sessions on the agenda include, Native plants as cut flowers, Fruits, nuts & medicinal herbs, Crop diversification options, 10 Ways to make money from trees, Ethanol from waste fruit and Legal matters. There’s quite a few more too.

According to the show organizers, last year, over 4,400 people and over 150 exhibitors attended.

Show Hours: Thurs, Nov 2: 9 am-5 pm, Fri, Nov 3: 8 am-5 pm, Sat, Nov 4: 8 am-5 pm. Call 800-633-2535 to register.

Farm Shows