2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Quality Time With CAB

Chuck Zimmerman

CAB Quality TimeI so love to blur the lines. Here’s a story from Certified Angus Beef that’s targeted to farm broadcasters. It comes as a story that’s written in 2 versions (30 sec and 60 sec) and a soundbite. Now that’s cool and I’ve helped Steve Suther and company get started “doing it themselves.”

So here’s how I want to blur things. I’m not a broadcaster in the traditional sense but I can use this. Here’s the 30-second version:

Progress comes when feedlots and ranchers “partner up.”

Cattle producers who have sold calves at weaning as the end of their concern, may want to look at other options if calf prices trend lower in the years ahead. Retaining full or part ownership of calves on feed is a way to build understanding between sectors. It’s also a way to build better beef cowherds.

Irisk & Doll Feed Yard’s Mark Sebranek says cowherd quality goes up when producers get feedlot and carcass information back on their calves. Among his customers, the more years they feed, the better their herd becomes.
cab-soundbite-1.mp3(Listen To Mark MP3)

Sebranek manages the 32,000-head, Garden City, Kansas, feedlot and partners with scores of producers from Texas to Missouri. That helps them make genetic and management improvements so next year’s calves are better.

So what do you think? Does that work too? It’s a wonderful web we weave.

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef