Selling That Seed Online

Chuck Zimmerman

SeedSellers.comThe latest news about how USDA is helping push broadband development in rural areas has stoked the fires of a number of people. I’m at the top of that list.

One of the companies I heard from on the topic is offers an efficient way for growers and seed companies to connect with potential customers locally and around the world. can become a virtual international seed sales representative for even the smallest producer. Several of our clients are using as an alternative to costly e-commerce upgrades to their own sites. And, it is a reasonable advertising opportunity in which a seller only pays when it has worked to bring in new business! We are slowly, but surely, breaking into the scene with a limited start-up budget. Despite our current resources, response to this online tool has been phenomenal. I believe this site will be taking off like gang-busters with the next planting season . . .

To learn more about them feel free to take a tour.

Agribusiness, Internet