Biomass Tractorcade

Chuck Zimmerman

American Agriculture MovementIt looks like more than just ethanol and biodiesel is being lobbied on Capitol Hill this week. The American Agriculture Movement biomass tractorcade has rolled into town.

A group of patriotic Americans left Missouri’s Knob Noster State Park near Kansas City on Monday September 25th to publicize the potential of bioenergy to replace foreign oil. They traveled on U.S. 50 with antique tractors and cars to Washington DC to raise awareness about the contribution agricultural producers can make to help bring energy security to the American people. The tractorcade reached Cherry Hill Park in Maryland September 30th. Participants will lobby Congresional staffers the week of October 2nd.

If America seizes this opportunity, the future will be brighter for all! Anyone who supports America gaining independence from foreign energy sources can get information from or joining us on the Washington Mall on 3rd Street by the reflecting Pool on October 5th.

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