2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

HAT Radio

Chuck Zimmerman

Hoosier Ag TodayIt looks like Hoosier Ag Today is really on the air now.

A new concept in farm radio became reality on September 18, as Hoosier Ag Today began broadcasting on 20 radio stations across Indiana, 7 of which are 50,000 watt regional stations. Developed by Truitt Communications, Hoosier Ag Today (HAT) is a series of radio programs focused exclusively on covering Indiana’s agricultural industry. Hosted by veteran farm broadcaster Gary Truitt, Hoosier Ag Today offers listeners several unique features which are not being offered by other broadcast entities. Nothing impacts farmers and rural residents more than the weather. Hoosier Ag Today is the only program to have an in-state meteorologist producing a daily, customized, agricultural weather advisory. Rob Wasson is a native Hoosier and has been forecasting Indiana weather for 11 years. Hoosier Ag Today is delivered to stations in digital stereo using a web-based system which insurers quality and reliability. A mix of long and short form programs allow stations the flexibility to include Hoosier Ag Today programs into their schedule several times daily.
