2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Ag in America Tour


Kelcy Schroder The next generation is going to be our future farmers. It is important to educate the next generation and show them the importance of agriculture. Ag in America Tour is doing just that!

Nick and IAg in America Tour goes around to different schools across the Midwest promoting agriculture. It is up to the younger generation to determine how our future goes. They will be the ones filling our shoes later down the road.

I think one cool thing about this program is that is it operated by younger people. When they go to schools, it isn’t some old person telling how important it is to know what is happening in the agricultural industry. It is more believable when you can relate to the person speaking to you, which also makes it more interesting.

I had the opportunity to speak with Nick Nagele, senior associate for the Ag in America Tour. He loves the job he has and the best part of it all, he loves to work with the children, teaching them stuff that means so much to him, and also seeing his influence in them.

As the Ag in America Tour travels around, they talk to thousands of children, and it will be amazing someday so see the impact it has on kids. Since the program just started, results are not to their fullest yet, but will be in the future. If anybody would like to contact Nick to recieve more information or see if they can come to your school, his email is nick@aginamerica.com.

Listen to my interview with Nick Nagele here: Listen to MP3 Nick Nagele (1 min. MP3)

Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Monsanto: Monsanto

Audio, Farm Progress Show