2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Scientific Communications Manager

Chuck Zimmerman

Jane BachmannBesides the work that Gibbs & Soell did in putting together today’s Syngenta Media Day it also takes some work inside the company. The person doing that is Jane Bachmann, Scientific Communications Manager.

Jane was a scientist first and now handles communications work. She’s involved with a media interview of a Syngenta scientist in the picture. I thought it would be interesting to learn more about what she does for the company and what her challenges are.

For one thing, she says that communicating what Syngenta does to consumers is important so that they can feel confident about the safety of the food that’s produced by growers who plant their seeds.

You can listen to my interview with Jane here: Listen To MP3 Jane Bachmann Interview (5 min MP3)

Agribusiness, Audio, Biotech