Testing Mobile Broadband

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m in the St. Louis airport on my way to Raleigh, NC and got to test my new Sprint Mobile Broadband card in my computer. According to the test I got 768K download speed and 100k upload speed. Not bad and much better than dialup!

It’ll be interesting to compare it to how the service works in Raleigh and then in Portland starting this weekend.

Post Update: I’m in Raleigh, NC now and just did the same internet speed test with my mobile broadband connection. I got 468K upload and only 40K download speed. Not as good as St. Louis but still better than normal dialup. It’s what I’m using for my posting here so far. I just saved $10, which is how much the hotel I’m in charges for internet access.

I’m off to Syngenta Biotechnology, Inc. for a day of talks and the opportunity to interview their research representatives. Keep an eye here on AgWired for lots of posts from this event.
