2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Hearing From Monte Reese

Chuck Zimmerman

Monte ReeseIs there anyone who doesn’t know Monte Reese? The Beef Board’s Chief Operating Officer was on the program at this morning’s board meeting to give a report on the activities of the Checkoff.

Monte started out talking about how much has been accomplished in the 20 years of the Checkoff. He says that producers have created a solid science-based research foundation which has time after time prevented severe consumer confidence crises.

Monte also made a point of letting producers know how many expressions of appreciation he has received from other commodity groups for the Beef Checkoff’s perseverance in the face of a severe legal challenge. Since that final Supreme Court decision he says most of the challenges to other groups have been dismissed.

You can listen to Monte’s remarks here: Monte Reese Report (10 min. MP3 File)

Audio, Beef