2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Beefmobile Wrangler Tracey Orsburn

Chuck Zimmerman

Tracey OrsburnTracey Orsburn is one of the Beefmobile Wranglers and is here at the Cattle Industry Summer Conference. She puts in a lot of miles travelling around the country and making sure producers better understand the Checkoff. Her vehicle is also a travelling billboard for beef.

Tracey says she’s personally driven over 100,000 miles for the Checkoff since she started and has been through 43 states.

You can learn more about the Beefmobile by listening to my interview with her in which she explains the program and describes the kind of producer feedback she receives. You can listen to my interview with Tracey here: Orsburn Interview (4 min. MP3 File)

Audio, Beef