RFA Ethanol Podcast

A GEM of a Vehicle

Chuck Zimmerman

Ride & DriveOn my way out of the convention center yesterday here at the Clean Cities Congress, I stopped by the Ride & Drive and found myself in a Global Electric Motorcars vehicle.

Riding with me is the company’s CEO, Lawrence Oswald. He held the microphone while I drove and interviewed him so you’ll hear some road noise.

Larry tells us about his company and the vehicles they make. He makes a point that the electric vehicle is perfect for in-town driving for short distances where you can be on streets with relatively slow speed limits. With no engine emissions the vehicle is certainly not putting particulates into the air. These seem like they’d be great to have at farm shows too.

You can hear the interview here: Listen To MP3 Larry Oswald Interview (4 min MP3)

I also had to take a short video clip too, not something I recommend to the untrained: Watch wmv file Ride & Drive (WMV file)

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