2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Play Pioneer Games

Chuck Zimmerman

Max The ProtectorYou have to have a Pioneer Growing Point login to have access but there’s some new video games in town. The first one is “Max The Protector.”

Sure, you’ve planted in all kinds of conditions, but have you planted on your desktop before? Use your mouse to plant in a variety of conditions, trying to avoid items like fencerows, trees and wet spots in the field. You must also navigate around pests like Soybean Cyst Nematode and Phytophthora Root Rot to score high yields. Help is available if you pick up bonus items from your Pioneer Sales rep and you will find a new level of protection by picking up Pioneer® Brand M-series soybeans.

Herculex I The DefenderThen there’s “Herculex I The Defender.”

Herculex I the Defender requires you to shoot wave after wave of destructive larvae. Shoot at the larvae to kill them – and stay behind the Herculex shield to protect you and your crops!

I like it when the bugs get splattered but I think my field was under serious attack and I will have to practice to get better.
