2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Grassroots In Action at D&PL

Chuck Zimmerman

Tiny Miss GeorgiaI’ve been meaning to follow up on a story from last month on how D&PL’s grassroots initiative for National Agriculture Week went. Janice Person was kind enough to send me a page from their employee newsletter that highlights individuals and how they found creative ways to distribute the “Did You Know” cards supplied by the National Cotton Council. For example, the picture is Mary Madeline, this year’s Tiny Miss Georgia Cotton who attended the state’s ag week kick-off with her mom. Her dad (D&PL employee) made sure they had cards in hand as Mary Madeline visited with commissioner of agriculture Tommy Irving (shown in photo).

The efforts of D&PL’s employees and business partners to draw positive attention to the cotton industry for National Agriculture Week went well. The photo at right from agwired.com shows the type of attention we received from media – this was shared by customers and others who found the information of interest.

We have heard some success stories on how well employees used the cards and want to say thank you to everyone who helped raise awareness.

In addition to this, employees at the National Cotton Council conducted similar efforts across the U.S., with employees in their Washington DC and Memphis offices joining their field employees. And Planters Bank in the Delta handed them out at the 14 branch locations across the region.

It sounds like this might become an annual event.
