2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Nitragin Media Kit On A Memory Stick

Chuck Zimmerman

NitraginThe folks at AdFarm covered all the bases when it came time to send out news on Nitragin’s acquisition of Agribiotics, Inc. Not only did they include acquisition information but also product information.

This came packaged in a very sturdy green plastic logo’d binder. In it were an introductory Nitragin USB Memory Stickletter from the VP of Sales & Marketing, news releases, FAQ’s and contact information. Also included was all of the above in electronic form on a logo’d 64MB USB Flash Drive. And just to make sure we had it all, the information was emailed out, which is how I first received it.

That’s covering all your bases in making sure the reporter gets your information.

And, yes, I did check to make sure the releases were posted to the company’s website last week when this was announced.

Agencies, Agribusiness, Public Relations